Delete smartphone data, third-party applications, or media card files
Before you delete your BlackBerry smartphone data or media card files, consider backing up the data and files so that you
have a copy on your computer.
User Guide

CAUTION: If encryption is turned on, the process for deleting all smartphone data can take about one hour to complete.
You can't stop the process after you start it. If you reset your smartphone, the process restarts after the smartphone
On the home screen or in a folder, click the Options icon.
Click Security > Security Wipe.
Select the checkboxes for items that you want to delete.
Type blackberry.
Click Wipe Data.
If your smartphone was previously associated with a BlackBerry Enterprise Server, when you delete all your smartphone
data, any IT policy rules that were associated with your smartphone remain and may continue to affect the features and
settings that are available on your smartphone.